what for

Enjoy your first gruenkern dish!

Today I have only three basic recipes for you – soon there may be more:
Ingredients: 250g ground gruenkern, 500ml bouillon, a cup of breadcrumbs, 1-2 eggs, chopped onion and parsley cooked in 1 tbsp. of oil, salt, pepper, nutmeg.
Simmer gruenkern and bouillon together until it becomes a thick paste. Add all other ingredients. The whole mixture has to turn cold(!) before you form hamburgerlike patties, dip them in breadcrumbs und fry in sizzling fat until brown

Sandwich spread
Soak 2 cups of ground gruenkern in 1 1/2 cups of water for at least 2 hours. Mix it with the following ingredients: 1 diced onion, 200g margarine, 4 tblsp. salad oil, 2 gloves of minced garlic, 1 cup Hefeflocken (lit. flakes of yeast – what’s the correct term in English?), a few drops of lemonjuice, and according to taste a bit of mustard, black pepper, nutmeg, salt and marjoram. Add fresh herbs according to taste and season!

Soup of gruenkern
Ingredients: 40g of ground gruenkern, 40g fat, 1 1/4 liters bouillon, 1 egg yolk and sour cream according to taste. You can add dumplings, roasted cubes of bread or mushrooms.
Take the ground gruenkern and roast it in sizzling fat until it turns to a light brown. Pour in the bouillon and simmer for 5-10min. Thicken with egg yolk and add other ingredients.
(from: Küchendüfte aus Wölchingen und Boxberg, Herausgeber: Evang. Kirchengemeinde Boxberg-Wölchingen)